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Soziologisches Institut Prof. Dr. Katja Rost

curriculum vitae


Katja Rost ist Ordinaria für Soziologie und Privatdozentin für Wirtschaftswissenschaften an der Universität Zürich. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich der Wirtschafts- und Organisationssoziologie (Digitale historische Soziologie, Geschlechterstereotypen, Elitesoziologie, Soziologie der Digitalisierung und Innovation). Sie ist Vizepräsidentin des Universitätsrats der Universität Luzern, stellvertretende Vorsitzende des «Center for Higher Education and Science Studies» sowie Co-Direktorin des universitären Forschungsschwerpunktes «Human Reproduction Reloaded». Vor ihrer Tätigkeit in der Wissenschaft arbeitete sie 3 Jahre in der Unternehmens- und Politikberatung.

since 2012  University Zurich, full professor for sociology
since 2011 University Zurich, adjunct professor for economics
2011-2012 Friedrich Schiller University Jena,  full professor for management
2010-2011  University Mannheim, assistent professor for organization sociology
2010 University Zurich, habilitation in economics
2006  Technical University Berlin, PhD in economics (Dr. rer. oec.)
2000 University Leipzig, master in sociology (major) and cultural studies (minor), (Dipl.-Soz.)
since 2022 Mitglied des Beirats der Inhaltskommission Forum, Pfarrblatt der katholischen Kirche Kanton Zürich
since 2018 Vice-Director, Förderbeirat Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung
since 2021

Co-Director, Member of the Executive Committee, Co-Leader SP 2 Human Reproduction in Societies and Markets, URPP Human Reproduction Reloaded

since 2020 Editorial team member of Leadership Quarterly

since 2019

Board chair of Schumpeter Center for Research on Socio-Economic Change

since 2018

Associate Editor of Management Revue

since 2016

Vice-president University Council University Luzern

since 2015

Board Member of Junior Management Science

since 2015

Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Social Sciences, Law and Economics)

since 2015

Member of of the Executive Board of the "Center for Information Technology, Society, and Law (ITSL)" der UZH

since 2015

Vice President of the “Center for Higher Education and Science Studies (CHESS)”, UZH

since 2014

Co-Editor of Jahrbuch Ökonomie und Gesellschaft

2024 Winner of the Euram Award
2020/21/22/23/24 Among the Top100 Women in Business in Switzerland in the Catagory Science, Schweizer Wirtschaftsmagazin für die Frau
2016 Winner of the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, Best Paper Award 2016, Corporate Governance
2015 Winner of the John F Mee Award 2015 for Outstanding Contribution to Management History, Academy of Management 2015, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
2014 Winner of the CGIR Best Paper Award 2013, Corporate Governance. An international Review
2014 Winner of the Theo Schöller-Award – Munich Best Paper Award Innovation Management, Theo und Friedl Schöller Foundation (5000 Euro), LMU Entrepreneurship Center, TU München 2013, München
2012 Journal of Management History Award for Best International Paper, Academy of Management 2012, Bosto
2011 Runner-up CGIR Best Paper Award 2011, Corporate Governance. An international Review
2010 Nomination Best Paper Award, EIASM Annual Meeting, 17th International Product Development Management Conference
2009 Research Fellow, CREMA (Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)
2009 Nomination Best Paper Award, EURAM Annual Meeting, Corporate Governance Track
2005-2010 Swiss National Foundation (SNF) Fellowship
2004-2005 Fellowship of the Foundation Ecocentia
since 2012 Member of the scientific advisory council of a publication group for women, CareerElixier, gender mainstreaming University Zurich
2012-2016 Representative for junior scientists in organizational studies in the German speaking area, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
2012-2013 Mentor for female professors, ProProfessur, gender mainstreaming Hessian Universities
2005-2009 Vice chairman of a publication group for women, gender mainstreaming University Zurich
2003-2004 Mentor for female students, gender mainstreaming University Bern
since 2019 Swiss Sociological Association
since 2018 Economic Sociology Section of the German Sociological Association (DGS)
since 2010            Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), commission for organisational studies
since 2009 Research Fellow, CREMA (Center for Research in Economics, Management and the Arts)
since 2008 European Public Choice Society
since 2007 European Academy of Management
since 2005 European Group for Organizational Studies
since 2005 Academy of Management Society


Neue institutionelle Ansätze zur Förderung von Chancengerechtigkeit und Diversität akademischer Nachwuchskräfte in der Medizin (with Miriam Ganzfried), Call P7 von Swissuniversities (337'077 CHF)

2021 Universities and scientific disciplines as drivers of digital innovation and catalysts of digital change. Societal expectations, strategic positioning, and competition for relevance in Swiss Higher Education (with Christian Leeder und Luka Tratschin), National Research Programme “Digital Transformation” (NRP 77), Schweizer Nationalfonds (566'115 CHF)
2021 Subproject in Digital Religion(s) – Communication, Interaction and Transformation in the Digital Society (Thomas Schlag et al.), Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt (UFSP) (10,000,000 CHF)
2021 Debuty Manager H2R: Human Reproduction reloaded (Andrea Büchler et. al), Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt (UFSP) (8,000,000 CHF)

Swiss National Science Foundation (with Malte Döhne), Aleatoric Governance: Elite transformation in Basel, 1688-1798) (618'351 CHF)


Zufallswahl als Lösungsstrategie gegen Frauenmangel in Führungspositionen (with Joel Berger, Margit Osterloh), Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung UZH (20'000 CHF)


GRC Fördermittel für Qualitätsentwicklung, University Zurich (5'000 CHF)

2017-2020 SUK Nachfolgeprogramm „Doktoratsprogramme universitäre Hochschulen (TP1), University Zurich (56'000 CHF)
2017-2021 Neue Organisationsmodelle für Teilzeitführungsaufgaben an der UZH (with Jonas, K., Nievergelt, B., Seidl, D.), Bundesprogramm Aktionsplan Chancengleichheit 2017-2021, Aktionsplan University Zürich & Bundesmittel (416'363 CHF)  
2017-2019 Swiss National Science Foundation 100017_165959 (with Buchmann; M.): Employers’ Demand for Almost-Full-Time Workers: The Diffusion of Employment Practices across Firms (354'954 CHF)
2016-2018 Swiss National Science Foundation 100017_162894: Effects of diversity efforts, evaluations and compensation schemas in organizations on career advancement and senior level diversity (268'336 CHF)
2013-2014 University Zürich & Bund: Forschungsausstattung, Sozialkapital und Gender an der UZH (22'162 CHF)
2010-2012 Gebert Rüf Foundation: CultuMemo (240'000 CHF)
2007-2009 Swiss National Science Foundation 101514-122386/ 101514-118321: Invisible Hand or Invisible Handshake? The Impact of Market Forces and Market Power on Executive Compensation (248'831 CHF)
2005-2007 Foundation Ecoscienta: Managementgehälter in der Schweiz (180'000 CHF)

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