📣 Public colloquium April 23: Thomas Asikis on «An Overview on Transformers: Diving into the Models behind Chat-GPT»
📣 Public colloquium April 9: Rolf Becker on «Social Classes and Educational Decisions in Switzerland »
📣 Public colloquium March 12: Anette Fasang on «Lives in Welfare States: Life Courses, Earnings Accumulation, and Relative Living Standards in Five European Countries»
📣 Public colloquium talk: «The Legacy of Longevity: Persistent Inequalities in UK Life Expectancy 1500-2022»
Upcoming «Current Sociological Research» public talk: Barton Lee on «An overview on Transformers: Opinion Polarization and Political Gridlock»
Upcoming «Current Sociological Research» public talk: Martin Schröder on «Why women are faring better than an illiberal feminism suggests»
Upcoming «Current Sociological Research» public talk: Léna Pellandini-Simányi on «Scripting the habitus: Class and financial decision-making in the age of digital consumption»
Upcoming «Current Sociological Research» public talk: Tobias Wolbring: «Beauty Pays, But Not Under All Circumstances: Evidence on Gendered Hiring Discrimination from a NovelExperimental Approach Using Deepfakes»
Next «Current Sociological Research» public talk by Moritz Daum: «Exploring Synchronous Interactions in Early Childhood»
Forschungsartikel: Hostile-emotional excess of zeal in public social media: A case study of an online firestorm against an organization
Vortrag am 8. November: Educational Tracking and Track Effects on Social Inequality: Findings from the LIFETRACK and ARtHEE Projects
Warum erfüllen wir die Erwartungen anderer? Sozial angemessenes Verhalten aus Perspektive der Soziologie
World Society – Origins of the Zurich Approach and 40 Years of Research at the World Observatory Zurich
Alumni Event am 23. Oktober: «Wohnen der Zukunft. Wird der Schweizer Wohnungspark der sozialen Nachhaltigkeit gerecht?»
Talk by Kieron Barclay: “The Influence of Cousin Order and Cousin Group Size on Educational Outcomes”
Talk by Eric Widmer: “Family configurations and personal networks: a relational perspective on the life course”
Talk by Francesca Borgonovi: “Gender gaps in achievement in a cross-country perspective. What can we learn from cross-international large-scale assessments”.
Talk by Vili Lehdonvirta: “Nation states vs. cloud empires: How digital platforms shape trade and democracy”
Talk by Stefanie C. Boulila: “LGBTQ Parents in the Swiss Alps: Lived Experiences and Negotiations of Rurality”
"Who supports whom? Citizens’ support for affirmative action policies in recruitment processes towards four underrepresented groups"