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Soziologisches Institut

Talk von Paula England

Is the Gender Revolution Stalled? 
An Update

Alte Kantonsschule
Rämistrasse 59 (RAA-G-01)
14 October 2019, 12.15 - 13.45

Vorschaubild Paula England

Over the second half of the 20th century, we have seen enormous progress towards gender equality in various life domains. Many forms of gender discrimination were made illegal, birth control became widely available, women entered employment and higher education at increased rates, and domestic work became more fairly shared between the genders. After the early 2000s, however, we saw that further reforms of the gender system were coming at a much slower pace, if such change had not come to a halt entirely.

Paula England was one of the scholars who pinpointed this development at an early stage, asking what was at the root of the ‹stalled› or ‹uneven› gender revolution. In this talk, she updates some of her previous insights into the U.S. context, adding recently emerging trends and highlighting a few comparisons with developments in European countries.

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