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Soziologisches Institut

Third John von Neumann Lecture

Philipp Strack (Yale) on "Misspecified Beliefs"

with Marina v.N. Whitman (University of Michigan) and Marek Pycia (UZH)

Date: Fri, June 3 Time: 15:00-16:30 (CET)
Via Zoom: Please register for the online event here.


The third John von Neumann Lecture is on game theory, a discipline that Johnny founded in the 1930s and 1940s. His daughter, Marina v.N. Whitman, will introduce the event, and Sven Seuken (UZH) and Marek Pycia (UZH) will serve as panellists.


The event is organized by Heinrich Nax, Sven Seuken and Marek Pycia, in cooperation with the UZH Market Design Research Center. It is supported by the SNSF through an Eccellenza Grant.
