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SSA Bulletin 165: «How to become a Sociology Professor»

«How to become a Sociology Professor» - the newest bulletin of the Swiss Sociological Association takes a closer look at this query. Contributions by a diverse set of authors using various methods make for an interesting collection of articles, freely accessible as a PDF.

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Jörg Rössel, University of Zurich

A Sociology Professorship as a Hotly Contested Winner-Takes-All Market with Attractive Outside Options
Katja Rost, University of Zurich

Gender Disparities and Determinants of Tenure in German Sociology: Insights from Four Longitudinal Studies
Mark Lutter, University of Wuppertal

Invisible Burden: The Unequal Impact of the Pandemic on Postdoctoral Researchers
Edmée Ballif, University of Zurich, and Isabelle Zinn, Berner Fachhochschule

Stay or Stray? Evaluating Job Satisfaction in Academia
Ilona Pap and Antonia Velicu, University of Zurich

The Social Field of German Sociology and its Professors
Christian Schneickert, Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, and Christopher Wimmer, Humboldt University Berlin

The Role of Research Topics on Securing Funding and Careers for Swiss Sociologists
Pierre Benz, Université de Montréal, University of Lausanne; Thierry Rossier, Life Course  and Inequality Research Centre (LIVES), University of Lausanne, London School of Economics;  and Pedro Araujo, Swiss Centre of Expertise in the Social Sciences (FORS), Lausanne

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