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Dr. Benita Combet was a senior researcher at the Department of Sociology in Zurich and an SNF Ambizione grant holder and examines gendered and social class-based field of study choice. Previously, she held an interim professor position at the University of Konstanz and was a fellow at the Cluster of Excellence at the same institution. Further, she worked as a Postdoc.Mobility grant holder at LMU Munich (with Katrin Auspurg) and as a senior researcher at University of Lausanne (with Daniel Oesch). She received her PhD in Sociology from the University of Bern (supervisors: Ben Jann and Walter Müller) after studying Sociology, Science of Religion and Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies at the University of Bern.
During her time at the SUZ, Benita lead the SNF project «Preferences or institutional constraints? Explanations for the persisting impact of gender and social background on field of study choice» and contributed to public discussions about the Swiss education system (e.g. SRF Interview from 2023, in German).
While Benita is leaving the SUZ, her two PhD candidates,Ceciliar Daniar Pè and Lea Jordan, are able to complete their thesis work in Zurich under the co-supervision of Benita and Marco Giesselmann.
We extend our gratitude for Benita's dynamic and impactful contributions she has made to our team and for her exceptional scientific work and wish her all the best in her position as an assistant professor with tenure track at the University of Bern!
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