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Department of Sociology Prof. Dr. Heiko Rauhut

Survey report

Rauhut, Heiko; Johann, David; Jerke, Julia; Rathmann, Justus; Velicu, Antonia (2021). The Zurich Survey of Academics: Methods, Design, and Data. Zurich: University of Zurich. Link


Key publications


Peer reviewed

  1. Johann, David, Isabel J. Raabe, and Heiko Rauhut (2022): "Under pressure: The extent and distribution of perceived pressure among scientists in Germany, Asutria, and Switzerland." Research Evaluation,
  2. Johann, David (2022): "Perceptions of scientific authorship revisited: Country differences and the impact of perceived publication pressure." Science and Engineering Ethics 28,
  3. Kessler, Sabrina H., Mike S. Schäfer, David Johann, and Heiko Rauhut (2022): "Mapping mental models of science commnunication: How academics in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland understand and do science communication." Public Understanding of Science, (online first)
  4. Jerke, Julia, David Johann, Heiko Rauhut, Kathrin Thomas, and Antonia Velicu (2021): "Handle with Care: Implementation of the List Experiment and Crosswise Model in a Large-scale Survey on Academic Misconduct." Field Methods 34(1): 69 –81,
  5. Raabe, Isabel J., Alexander Ehlert, David Johann, and Heiko Rauhut (2020): "Satisfaction of scientists during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown." Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 7(1): 1-7

Not peer reviewed

  1. David Johann, Antonia Velicu, Heiko Rauhut (2020): "Kooperation und Konflikte in der Forschung" (PDF, 521 KB) (geringfügig gekürzte Version des Textes wurde in Forschung und Lehre 6/2020 mit dem Titel "Ko-Autorschaft von wissenschaftlichen Publikationen: Kooperationen und Konflikte" veröffentlicht) 

Conference/ Talks


  1. Julia Jerke, Antonia Velicu, Heiko Rauhut (November 2022): A biased mind - Significance as a publication booster. Seminar on Analytical Sociology, Venice International University San Servolo (Poster (PDF, 843 KB), Slides (PDF, 1 MB))

  2. Antonia Velicu, Julia Jerke, Heiko Rauhut (June 2021): The Effect of Intersectional Discrimination Experiences on the Scientists’ Life. Workshop: (In)visibilities in Academia and Higher Education,  Leibniz Center for Science and Society

  3. Julia Jerke, Antonia Velicu,  Heiko Rauhut (April 2021): A Biased Mind: Significance as a Publication Booster. Workshop Quantitative Analysis of Publication Bias, Universität Konstanz 

  4. Justus Rathmann, Antonia Velicu, Heiko Rauhut (November 2020): Different measurements of attitudes towards misconduct in science: Neutralizations, implicit association and direct questions. Big Data Meets Survey Science, BigSurv20 

  5. Justus Rathmann, Antonia Velicu, David Johann, Heiko Rauhut (August 2020): Gender bias in scientific authorship order. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology & Society for Social Studies of ScienceEASST/4S 2020

  6. Justus Rathmann, David Johann, Heiko Rauhut (August 2020): Researcher's implicit attitudes towards scientific misconduct. European Association for the Study of Science and Technology & Society for Social Studies of ScienceEASST/4S 2020

  7. Antonia Velicu, Isabel Raabe, Heiko Rauhut (July 2020): Publish or perish: How scientists legitimise academic misconduct. European Consortium for Sociological Research (ECSR 2020)

In the media


Konflikte in Forschungsteams: Wem gehört der Ruhm in der Wissenschaft? Jennifer Rieger und Frank Kaspar vom DeutschlandFunk Kultur im Gespräch mit Heiko Rauhut.
Nachzulesen hier: ZEITFRAGEN, Beitrag vom 10.06.2021
Nachzuhören hier: ARD Audiothek, Beitrag vom 10.6.2021, 30 Min.