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Publications and Citations in Web of Science
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Publication list in CV (english)
Fabian Winter, Heiko Rauhut and Dirk Helbing: How norms can generate conflict: An experiment on the failure of cooperative micro-motives on the macro-level.Social Forces, 90(3) 919-948, 2012. (PDF, 2 MB)
Heiko Rauhut: Beliefs about lying and spreading of dishonesty: Undetected lies and their constructive and destructive social dynamics in dice experiments. PLoS One, 8(11), 1-8, 2013. (PDF, 288 KB)
Jan Lorenz*, Heiko Rauhut*, Frank Schweitzer, Dirk Helbing: How social influence can undermine the wisdom of crowd effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), 108(22), 9020-9025, 2011. (* shared first authorship). (PDF, 471 KB)
Heiko Rauhut, Fabian Winter: A sociological perspective on measuring social norms by means of strategy method experiments. Social Science Research, 2010, vol. 39, p. 1181-1194. (PDF, 603 KB)
Heiko Rauhut: Game theory. In: "The Oxford Handbook on Offender Decision Making", Edited by Wim Bernasco, Henk Elffers, Jean-Louis van Gelder. Forthcoming. (PDF, 649 KB)
Heiko Rauhut: Higher punishment, less control? Experimental Evidence on the Inspection Game. Rationality & Society, 2009, vol 21, no. 3, p. 359392. (PDF, 449 KB)
Heiko Rauhut, Ivar Krumpal: Die Durchsetzung sozialer Normen in Low-Cost und High-Cost Situationen. Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 5, 2008. S. 380-402. (PDF, 830 KB)
Roger Berger*, Heiko Rauhut*: Reziprozität und Reputation. Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation. Ed. by Norman Braun and Nicole J. Saam, 2014. (* shared first authorship) (PDF, 412 KB)
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