Alexander Ehlert is a PostDoc at the Chair of Social Theory and Quantitative Methods. He studied Economics, Mathematics, and Statistics at the University of Constance, KEDGE Business School Marseille, and the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel. His main research interests focus on situations in which personal and collective interests are at odds and ways to resolve them, the development and evolution of cooperation and social norms using behavioral experiments, social network analysis, and other quantitative research methods. Hereby, he is particularly interested in the interplay between individual behavior, social norms, and structural contexts shaping outcomes. Student theses should have a solid empirical focus and show how scientific findings can be used to improve people's lives.
CV (PDF, 61 KB)
Ehlert, A., Zimmermann, J., Johann, D., Ribeaud, D., Eisner, M., Baumgartner, M. R., Shanahan, L., Rauhut, H., & Quednow, B. B. (2024). Substance Use-Related Alterations of Social Decision Making in a Longitudinal Cohort of Young Adults. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging Volume 9 (10), 1058-1065
Armandola, N. G., Ehlert, A., & Rauhut, H. (2023). Rebel without a Cause: The Effects of Social Origins and Disposable Income on Rule Violations.
European Sociological Review, 39 (1), 14-29 Link
- Ehlert, A., Böhm, R., Fleiß, J., Rauhut, H., Rybnicek, R. & Winter, F. (2021). The Development of Prosociality: Evidence for a Negative Association between Age and Prosocial Value Orientation from a Representative Sample in Austria. Games, 12(3):67 Link
- Ehlert, A., Kindschi, M., Algesheimer, R., & Rauhut, H. (2020). Human social preferences cluster and spread in the field. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 117(37), 22787-22792. Link
- Raabe, I. J., Ehlert, A., Johann, D., & Rauhut, H. (2020). Satisfaction of scientists during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 7(1), 1-7. Link
- Kindschi, M., Cieciuch, J., Davidov, E., Ehlert, A., Rauhut, H., Tessone, C. J., & Algesheimer, R. (2019). Values in adolescent friendship networks. Network Science (New York), 1-25. Link