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Stahel, L. (2024). Every Journalist has an Achilles’ Heel: The Interference–Vulnerability Model. Journalism studies. Journalism, 25(14), 1699–1719.
Stahel, L. & S. Weingartner (2024). Can legal sanctions reduce cyberviolence? How changes in cost–benefit calculations and norm neutralizations affect self-censorship. Swiss Journal of Sociology, 50(1), 105-124.
Stahel, L. & S. Weingartner (2023). Can political orientation explain the social structure of online aggression? Integrating social media and survey data. Sociological Inquiry, 94(1), 149–169.
Stahel, L. & D. Baier (2023). Digital hate speech experiences across age groups and their impact on well-being: a nationally representative survey in Switzerland. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 26(7), 1-8.
Stahel, L. (2023). Why do journalists face varying degrees of digital hostility? Examining the interplay of minority identity and celebrity capital. Communication Research, 50(4), 410–452.
Stahel, L. & K. Rost (2022). Hostile-emotional excess of zeal in public social media: A case study of an online firestorm against an organization. Rationality & Society, 34(4): 469–500:
Stahel, L. (2022). Pressured by the pandemic? Druckversuche und Einflussnahmen auf Journalist:innen während Covid19 in der Schweiz. Jahrbuch Qualität der Medien Studie 6 / 2022.
Stahel, L. (2021). Ein lokales Ereignis im globalen Fokus: Das Zusammenfallen geografischer, zeitlicher, und sozialer Räume in der medialen Verbreitung einer Handschlagverweigerung. Special Issue in der Zeitschrift für Religionswissenschaft, 29(1): 39–59.
Stahel, L. & Schön, C. (2019). Female journalists under attack? Explaining gender differences in reactions to audiences' attacks. New Media & Society: 1461444819885333
Rost, K., Stahel, L., & Frey, Bruno S. (2016). Digital Social Norm Enforcement: Online Firestorms in Social Media. PLoS ONE 11(6).
Stahel Lea. Combining survey data with behavioral data – a promising way to learn about the producers of online hostility. Online Extremism Workshop at CSCW21.
Stahel Lea & Sebastian Weingartner. Online aggression from a sociological perspective: An integrative view on determinants and possible countermeasures. In: Roberts Sarah T., et al. (eds.): Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Abusive Language Online (p. 181–187). Florence, Italy: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Eingeladen für Vorträge (Auswahl):
Digital mobs, bribery, and lawsuits: External pressure on journalists and
its perceived effects on journalistic work. ICA Preconference: Post-vérité et publics affectifs: défis aux liens sociaux. Désinformation, populisme, propagande fondée sur les données. Université de Lorraine, Frankreich, 25. Mai. 2022.
Gast in Paneldiskussion Disinformation and Hate on the Internet. 3rd International Workshop on Women in Big Data. Zürich, 19. Mai. 2022.
Digitaler Hass und Gegenmassnahmen. Forum für Universität und Gesellschaft, Veranstaltungsreihe «Neue Gräben und Mauern». Universität Bern, 6. Nov. 2021.
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