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Soziologisches Institut Medicine, Technology, Society


Anna Mann

Dr Anna Mann is a PostDoc researcher the Department of Sociology in 2024. Anna’s research focuses on emergences, enactments and transformations of “good” medical care at the beginning of the 21st century. It draws on actor network theory, material semiotics and other approaches developed in the field of science and technology studies (STS) and uses qualitative methods. It contributes to debates on care, values, critique and the medical profession.



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Luke Stalley

Luke Stalley is a PhD student. Luke is exploring the care practices of geriatricians working in NHS. Through shadowing, observation and interviews, his research appreciates the tensions and challenges of providing care amidst clinical uncertainty to hospitalised older adults who may - or may not be - approaching the end of their life. By paying attention to the technoscientific and sociomaterial practicalities of providing care Luke's thesis will articulate how shifts to 'non-life prolonging' forms of care become possible in the specificities of geriatric medical practice.
