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Soziologisches Institut Prof. Dr. Per Block

Prof. Dr. Per Block

Universität Zürich
Soziologisches Institut
Andreasstrasse 15
CH-8050 Zürich

Tel: +41 44 635 23 28

Raum: AND 5.88
block [at]

Short Bio

Per Block joined the Institute of Sociology as an SNSF Eccellenza Professor in 2022. Previously, he worked at the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Science and the department of Sociology at the University of Oxford (2020-2022) and at the ETH Zurich (2014-2019). He holds a DPhil (2014) and MSc (2010) in Sociology from Oxford, and a Diplom in Chemistry (2008) from Marburg, with a specialisation in Nuclear Medicine.

Per’s research area is the Sociology of Networks with a focus on structural patterns that represent the interdependence of different observations, as well as the development of new methodology and furthering our understanding of the current statistical network toolbox. His SNFS research project combines the modelling of social networks and research  on  social  mobility.  The  aim  of  the  project  is  to  uncover  how  macro-level  mobility patterns are brought about through social relations, applying novel statistical methodology. Additionally, Per actively collaborates across disciplinary boundaries to further the understanding of network processes in science.

The Mobility Networks Team

The Mobility Networks Team develops statistical methods and software for the analysis of mobility networks and applies them to various empirical problems, including job- and occupational mobility, intergenerational transmission of advatage, intermarriage between occupations, and migration between countries. The team consists of (from back left to front right): Nico Keiser (now left academia), Linus Krug, Jingying Wang, Marion Hoffman (now prof in Toulouse), Per Block, Micol Morellini, and Sarah Berkinshaw (not in this picture).