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Soziologisches Institut Tobias Brügger

Tobias Brügger


Dr. Tobias Brügger

Tobias Bruegger studies the role that central concerns such as values, commitments, and purpose play in how corporations and their members navigate their behavior.

Education: MTh, University of South Africa, 2010; MTh, University of Zurich, 2013; PhD, University of Zurich, 2019.

Current Positions: Postdoctoral Research Associate, Illinois Strategic Organizations Initiative, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Sociology, University Research Priority Program Digital Religion(s), University of Zurich.

Tobias received his MTh in Ethics from the University of South Africa in 2010, specializing in Christian Leadership. In his MTh dissertation, he explored the relationship between faith and international management in a multinational enterprise, combining conceptual research and a fieldwork-based study of business managers. Following additional theological studies in Zurich, he completed his PhD at the Center for Religion, Economy, and Politics working at the intersection of Theology and Management Studies. In his dissertation, he explored patterns of Christian living in contemporary workplaces, again combining conceptual research and fieldwork studying business managers. From 2022 to 2024, Tobias was a postdoc at the Illinois Strategic Organizations Initiative within the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where he studied corporate purpose and how managers enact central values. In August 2024, he will join the Department of Business Humanities and Law at Copenhagen Business School. He is currently studying the concept and practice of the corporation and how managers enact personal values.


  • Bruegger, T. Forthcoming. Management's First Responsibility. Management Revue: Socio-Economic Studies, Nomos.
  • Bruegger, T. (2021). The Christian Body at Work. Germany: Nomos.  Link
  • Bruegger, T. (2021). Klaiber, Judith / Werte:Bildung in Führung. Leipzig: Theologische Literaturzeitung, Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.  Link
  • Alewell, D., Bruegger, T., Feldbauer-Durstmueller, B., Rost, K., & Wirtz, P. (2021). Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Religion, Spirituality, and Faith in a Secular Business World. Denmark: Management Revue: Socio-Economic Studies.  Link
  • Bruegger, T., & Kretzschmar, L. (2015). Integrating Christian Living and International Management. Koers – Bulletin for Christian Scholarship , Koers, 80 (1), 12-22.  Link


  • Bruegger, T. (2022). CEO Social Positioning. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference.
  • Bruegger, T. (2022). What does it mean to retreat? The case of Christianity and Management. Symposium: "Business Retreats at the Crossroads of Religion and Performance", University of Alberta.
  • Bruegger, T. (2021). Zur Grundlage des Managements. In Memoriam Markus Huppenbauer, Center for Religion, Economy, and Politics (ZRWP.
  • Bruegger, T., Danko, J., & Rost, K. (2021). Social evaluation of Christian leaders and entrepreneurs in a secular business world. CEF 21 – Cultural Economics and Finance conference.
  • Bruegger, T., Danko, J., & Rost, K. (2021). Social evaluation of Christian leaders and entrepreneurs in a secular business world. Strategic Management Society Annual Conference.
  • Hanson, S., Keplinger, K., Bruegger, T., Mercier, G., Pieslinger, S., Feldbauer Durstmueller, B., Preslmayer, C., Rost, K., Thaller, J., & Wolf, T. (2021). Religious Leaders and Entrepreneurs: Synthesizing Values-driven Leadership Approaches. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.
  • Bruegger, T., Danko, J., & Rost, K. (2021). Social evaluations of Christian entrepreneurs in a secular business world. EGOS Colloquium.
  • Bruegger, T., & Huppenbauer, M. (2019). The Study of Christians at Work. Academy of Management Annual Meeting.

Honors and Awards

C. William Pollard Work & Faith Research Fellowship, Seattle Pacific University, 2021


Tobias Brügger has taught courses on ethics, leadership, management, and organizations at the Universities of Zurich and Illinois.


  • Academy of Management

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