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Soziologisches Institut

Congratulations on a successful thesis defense, Kevin Schönholzer!

Last Tuesday, Kevin Schönholzer defended his dissertation, which examines how differences in policy, like paid parental leave and educational expansion, shape education. He researched equalizing factors using cross-national multi-cohort data.

Kevin Schönholzer worked at the Jacob's Center for Youth Development in the SNF project «Understanding social gradients in education: A psycho-social-ecological framework» of Prof. Dr. Kaspar Burger. Kevin's studies include topics such as «Welfare State policy and educational inequality» (published in European Sociological Review), justifying unequal earnings in relation to educational expansion and relative educational position (currently in peer-review), and the links between educational expansion and educational outcomes (in peer-review).

Find Kevin's published study here:
    Schoenholzer, Kevin, and Kaspar Burger. ‘Welfare State Policy and Educational Inequality: A Cross-National Multicohort Study’. European Sociological Review 40, no. 6 (23 November 2024): 996–1012.

In the Jacob's Center annual report of 2022, you can read about Kevin's work in Kaspar Burger's team:
    Sabanovic, Kanita, and Salome Erni. ‘Getting to the Bottom of Unequal Educational Opportunities: Kaspar Burger’s Research Team’. In Annual Report 2022, 28–29. Zürich: Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development, 2022.

Additionally, to his work as a doctoral student, Kevin is a scientific collaborator at the Interfaculty Centre for Educational Research (ICER) at the University of Bern and is part of the Career Tracker Cohorts Study (CTC).

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